
Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 78 - On the Run

Just started up running again today! I've been post-poning it because of the cold or because I have a cold or because it's too hot or because of any other number of excuses. But today I set a specific time I would go running, and decided if I was at all up to it, I would go at 4 on the dot. Lo and behold, my alarm went off at 4pm (16:00 o' clock on my phone :) ), and I was out the door with my sweats and tennis-shoes a minute later. It felt so good to run! I was told by some other ILP's that running in Kyiv is a sort of anomaly to these Ukrainians and that I'd probably get a few funny looks. The streets were crowded and there were no other runners in sight. So of course I got a few, but it didn't seem the kind of look that said, "What're you doing?!" as much as, "Hey a runner!". I'm sure I could have interpreted the looks as the former, but I'm happy thinking they meant the latter :). (I hope I've got the definitions of former and latter right, correct me if I'm wrong!) Anyways, I'm definitely going to have to keep up this running business, it feels great and I get to see a lot more of Kyiv that way! Today I got to run past Maydan (where I was on Wednesday). The place makes so much more sense to me now!  Before, all these areas were just that; areas and points in my head. Now I've got lines between at least a few more of those spots, and it is so nice to have better bearings on this place.

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